AREADNE 2008 Logo   AREADNE 2008
Research in Encoding And Decoding of
Neural Ensembles

Nomikos Conference Centre
Santorini, Greece
26-29 June 2008
  AREADNE Brain Labyrinth Logo

Call for Abstracts

Submission for 2008 is closed.

Please see for the current Call for Abstracts, and for information on upcoming meetings.

Contributed abstracts for poster presentation will be accepted by electronic submission, and must be received by March 14, 2008. Automated email acknowledgment of submission will be provided, and manual verification will be made a few days after submission. Notification of acceptance will be provided by April 3, 2008.

Abstracts should be written in English, and are required to fit on one US letter (8.5 x 11 inches) page with 1 inch margins on all sides in a single-spaced, single-column format. Please use a sans-serif font (e.g., Bitstream Vera Sans, Verdana, or Arial) at 10 points. Non-US submitters should take care to ensure they are producing US letter sized output. Figures may be included in the abstract, but must fit within the single page and within the margins. Abstract title, authors, affiliations for all authors, and surface and email addresses for the corresponding author should be included at the top of the page.

Abstracts must be submitted in PDF. (If you need to convert a file to PDF, Adobe has a free trial service at Abstracts that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered. Please submit at most one abstract per first author.

Submissions should be sent via email to:, using "AREADNE 2008 poster submission" as the subject line. Attach the PDF file to a message that includes the corresponding author's name, affiliation, email address and phone number.

For additional information, please send email to

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