AREADNE 2022 Logo   AREADNE 2022
Research in Encoding And Decoding of
Neural Ensembles

Nomikos Conference Centre
Santorini, Greece
28 June – 2 July 2022
  AREADNE Brain Labyrinth Logo

Poster Information

Information on submitting an abstract for consideration for poster presentation can be found in our Call for Abstracts.

Centre Poster Hallway There will be three poster sessions. For each session, posters will be placed on hard boards along both sides of a hallway. A photograph of the hallway is to the right (click on the photo for an enlarged version). Presenting authors will need to be at their poster for the entire assigned session.

Session assignments will be given in the conference program provided during registration at the Welcoming Reception or main meeting. No scheduling information will be released prior to the meeting (Why not?). Posters need to be brought with you to the conference, as there are no facilities where a poster can be printed on the island. Electrical power generally is not available at the posters, so plan on running any laptop demos on batteries. Tacks or poster putty will be provided.

Poster Dimensions Posters must be no larger than 60 inches / 150 cm wide, by 40 inches / 100 cm tall. This is a landscape format, as it is wider than it is tall. Posters may be smaller, even substantially smaller, in either or both dimensions.

NOTE: The exact location of poster display may change for 2022 from the description and photograph above, to be determined very shortly before the meeting, however, the maximum size of the posters will not change.

Posters are expected to describe data, analyses, simulations or conclusions that have not been previously presented. If a previously presented poster must be used, then a new version should be printed that contains no trace of previous meeting names, session assignments, etc. AREADNE Conferences are well-known for premiering exciting, impactful research. Present your best work!

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